Goal $10,000

Jono and Johno

Fundraising for Cancer Council
Cancer Council
Mystery Box Rally 2023
Our Story …

We are really happy to announce that we're taking part in Mystery Box Rally in 2023!! Mystery Box Rally is one of the largest community lead fundraising events for the Cancer Council in Australia having raised over $6 million in the last 10 years. This rally will have us driving a car that is 25 years or older along outback roads. We will do approximately 2,500kms in 5 days. We set off from Bundaberg & return to Bundaberg 5 days later, each day in between is a mystery, we have no idea where we will be headed until just before departure the next morning. In order for us to participate we need to raise $4,000 and every dollar raised goes to the Cancer Council. We would very much appreciate it if you could donate to the cause & help us on our journey!

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Here's what I'm doing …

Teams will drive their own 25+ year old cars along a mystery route in this unique 5-day challenge, all in the name of cancer research. The route is a loop starting and finishing at the same location, but all the other details are kept under wraps, only given to the teams each morning.

The rally is not a race – it’s a fun, colourful, unpredictable adventure with participants travelling at their own pace in smaller groups. Vehicles often break down but “we never leave anyone behind” and each night is spent camping beneath the stars and celebrating the day’s achievements. It all adds up to an incredible opportunity to see Australia’s vast and beautiful countryside and make lifelong friends, many brought together after experiencing cancer themselves or seeing cancer impact family and friends.

Since it’s inception the rally has been the largest fundraiser for the Cancer Council nationally."

raised: $1,048,499
target: $1,300,000
donate now
Jono and Johno Feed
showing 47 / 47
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
JSR MANAGEMENT gave $100.00.
1 year ago
Thank you Justin!
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
TORQUAY ANGLING CLUB gave $1,000.00.
I’m memory of Gary “Plugga” Bath, Torquay Angling Club
1 year ago
Thanks to the Torquay Angling Club, In memory of Gary "Plugga" Bath. It will be an honour to take Plugga with us on our journey.
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Jono and Johno
<p>Update 1!</p><p></p><p>The Mercedes W123 proved to be a difficult task, so was thrown in the too hard basket. Luckily, a VS Commodore sedan came up and was promptly acquired. Complete with bald tyres, questionable odometer reading and 26 years of interior grot, it was taken to Torquay for assessment. On the trip the centre bearing disintegrated, which made it a much more lively and exciting journey, necessitating a brief toilet stop. Without further ado, meet the Red Rocket.</p>
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Evelyn O'Keefe gave $100.00.
Go Jono & Isaac.
1 year ago
Thank you Ev, we will take Ray with us
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Claire Finch gave $50.00.
Great cause and good luck
1 year ago
Thank you so much Claire
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Sonia Rivero Morales gave $100.00.
1 year ago
Thank you Sonia, we will take Wallie with us.
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Gayle & Peter O’Keeffe gave $100.00.
Good luck guys (& red rocket).
1 year ago
Thanks Gayle and Peter!
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Belinda Paynter gave $20.00.
1 year ago
Thanks Liz!
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Tim Mortow gave $50.00.
1 year ago
Thanks Tim, much appreciated.
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Oliver Sanders gave $20.00.
1 year ago
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Kiera Coverdale gave $20.00.
1 year ago
thanks Kiera, hope you're having a good break. J
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Karen Huf gave $50.00.
1 year ago
Thank you SIL! See you soon X
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Anonymous gave $100.00.
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Julie McCullough gave $50.00.
1 year ago
thanks Julie
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Lorraine McDowell gave $20.00.
1 year ago
thanks Lorraine!
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Dermot Kearns gave $200.00.
1 year ago
thanks Dermot!
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Hurle Family gave $50.00.
Have a blast, thanks for raising funds for a good cause.
1 year ago
thanks Hurles! Hope you're keeping warm
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Michelle Ryan gave $20.00.
Great cause you guys! Well done
1 year ago
Thanks Michelle!
1 year ago
Thanks Michelle!
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Carla and Michael Martini gave $100.00.
See you in Bundy - look forward to catching up !
1 year ago
Thanks Mike and Carla, we will be up your way for a beer in August.
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Mark and Kate Sanders gave $100.00.
Great cause, have fun ⭐️⭐️
1 year ago
Thanks so much
1 year ago
Thanks so much
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Jay Chapman gave $100.00.
1 year ago
Thanks legend!
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Mark Roberts gave $50.00.
Hi Jon - All the best for a successful drive for a great cause - and may the electric windows be with you! Mark
1 year ago
thanks Mark, also for your carport!
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Jono and Johno
<p>Well the car has been receiving some love over the last few weeks, 26 years of grime was cleaned out from the inside and outside, making it habitable. The centre bearing was then replaced making the car drivable again. Once this noise was fixed, the noise of the front engine pulleys became apparent, so they were replaced also. The drivers window received new internals to make it go up and down, then an electric gremlin that had me stumped for days was fixed in 2 minutes by @sparky misso, thanks Sparky! The boot floor had a hole the size of a lunchbox, so this was cut out and new metal welded in. Grinding and welding beside the fuel tank made the task more interesting. Next was brake bleeding, with assistant @sheryl finch learning a new life skill, then handbrake adjustment. Also thanks to @torquay tyrepower, we received 5 new All Terrain tyres as a sponsor deal, so a huge shout out to Nick and the boys.</p><p></p>
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Angus Cullenward gave $50.00.
Well done lads all for a good cause Cheers Gus
1 year ago
Thanks Gus, catch up soon
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Base Excavation & Fencing gave $600.00.
Best of luck in the rally Jono & Johno 🙌🏽 can’t wait for more updates 🫶🏽
1 year ago
Thanks Michelle and Roundhouse for the Chocks tickets
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Zac Morrow gave $100.00.
Go get ‘em lads!
1 year ago
Thanks so much Zac
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
2021 pty ltd gave $75.00.
Good luck you nutters
1 year ago
haha, thanks Gary
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
The Midfield Group gave $500.00.
Good luck boys!! Enjoy your trip.
1 year ago
Thanks Sharnie and Midfield
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Gav Roberts gave $50.00.
Nice one lads, have a cracker!!
1 year ago
thanks Gav!
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Sarah Gole gave $50.00.
Brilliant adventure and worthy cause! Great job 👏 xx
1 year ago
thanks Sarah and Fam!
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Lynette Finch gave $100.00.
1 year ago
thanks Aunty Lynette!
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Jono and Johno
<p>Sh!@box Rally update.</p><p>After a brief break at Magnetic Island where </p><p>Remy landed his PB fish, the preparations are again underway. The car received a few stickers, and is doing some hoist time at Torquay Tyrepower to replace some suspension and other critical parts pre roadworthy. If you haven't donated to the cancer council through our team yet, don't delay - here's the link!</p><p>Donate link:</p><p>https://2023.mysteryboxrally.com.au/jono-and-johno</p><p></p><p></p>
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Anonymous gave $100.00.
Donation from Warranbrooke P/L. Please make the receipt out to the company and emailed to address below. Thank you.
1 year ago
Jono and Johno
Tony and Sue Reilly gave $200.00.
Good Luck to the Commodore team!
11 months ago
Many thanks Tony and Sue
11 months ago
Jono and Johno
One Agency Surf Coast gave $200.00.
Go team!
11 months ago
Thank you Shaun, Amanda and the One Agency Team!
11 months ago
Jono and Johno
Anonymous gave $200.00.
Great project guys - well done.
11 months ago
Jono and Johno
Dave Morrow gave $300.00.
Proud of your achievements
11 months ago
super thanks Dad!
11 months ago
Jono and Johno
Full Pitch Roofing gave $250.00.
Enjoy lads it’s an awesome experience
11 months ago
Cheers Matt and the Donkers!
11 months ago
thanks Donkers family!
11 months ago
Jono and Johno
Jono and Johno
<p>It’s been an exciting week rally followers, the car has passed a huge milestone with rego, we are now legal on the roads. A few more bits and pieces to be ticked off this week, air con and tint to keep the rally heat and dust at bay. If you haven't donated, please donate now to the Cancer Council, they are a fantastic organisation.Donate link:</p><p>https://2023.mysteryboxrally.com.au/jono-and-johno</p>
11 months ago
Jono and Johno
David Delbridge gave $50.00.
Great effort Guys. Have fun such a great cause. Cheers, David Delbridge.
11 months ago
Thanks very much David!
11 months ago
Jono and Johno
Emily Crosbie gave $50.00.
All the best Jono!! Such a great cause :)
11 months ago
Thanks Ro, Em and family! Great to catch up
11 months ago
Jono and Johno
Nicky Mackay gave $50.00.
Awesome job! We saw the shitbox rally when we were travelling in 2010 & Sean always said he’d like to do it one day! So great to see someone I know doing it & it’s a great cause. Car looks amazing. Enjoy
11 months ago
Thanks so much Nikki. Shaun can watch over us.
11 months ago
Jono and Johno
Jono and Johno
<p>Sh!@box Rally update.</p><p>see video here- </p><p>https://youtube.com/shorts/Zm6fHyr0YvE?feature=share</p><p></p><p>The red rocket has been receiving some love on and off the hoist in the last couple of weeks. Lots of parts have been replaced from suspension to electrics to a new boot that's nearly the same colour as the rest of the car. The intake cover gaskets and rocker cover gaskets were done in the driveway, have a look. If you haven't donated, please donate now to the Cancer Council, they are a fantastic organisation.Donate link:https://2023.mysteryboxrally.com.au/jono-and-johno</p>
11 months ago
Jono and Johno
Jono and Johno
<p>Sh!@box Rally update.Our car is very near Rally ready after it spent the weekend with our friends at Signific Signs. Greg and the team took the concept and made it amazing, all donated in support of Cancer Council fundraising. What an amazing gesture. Thank you Signific.&nbsp;Getting close now, just over a week to tidy up a few jobs on the car then it time to hit the road.&nbsp;</p><p>If you haven't donated, please donate now to the Cancer Council, they are a fantastic organisation.Donate link:https://2023.mysteryboxrally.com.au/jono-and-johno</p>
10 months ago
Jono and Johno
jacinta o'sullivan gave $50.00.
Amazing effort for a terrific cause. Best wishes for a fun and memorable rally.
10 months ago
Thanks very much Jacinta
10 months ago
Jono and Johno
Sonia Rivero Morales gave $50.00.
Hi John well Dane I’m very proud of you mate
10 months ago
Thanks Sonia!
10 months ago
Jono and Johno
Sandra Silo gave $100.00.
10 months ago
Thanks Sandra!
Team Sponsors
No sponsors added yet.
The Impact, Outcomes & Charity

Mystery Box Rally is a dedicated fundraising event for cancer research with funds going to Cancer Council.

Cancer Council is one of the largest non-government funders of cancer research in Australia. We conduct and fund research studies across all cancers and all stages of the cancer journey.

Thanks to the community funds raised such as Mystery Box Rally we can fund world-class research that reduces the impact of cancer for everyone.

$46 million over the past 15 years has been raised by Box Rallies to date, supporting ground-breaking projects such as:

  • A research study to develop a vaccine that protects against lymphoma cancers.
  • A research trial to standardise international guidelines on melanoma removal.
  • A research grant to revolutionise the treatment of pancreatic cancer.

These projects wouldn’t be possible without your support.